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Our Services


Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process designed to help you work out solutions and reach a settlement in a collabrative way to minimize legal costs and avoid going to court.

Med-Arb combines the best aspects of mediation and arbitration in an innovative stand-alone process providing a definitive outcome for the parties and is worth considering in almost any type of dispute.

Arbitration is a binding private and customized dispute resolution process that results in an enforceable decision, (Award), by your choice of decision maker, (the Arbitrator), in a more informal and flexible method compared to court.

Conflict Management Consulting for individuals helps them better understand the complexity of their dispute so they can obtain experienced advice and develop the necessary conflict management skills that will guide them.

Conflict Management Consulting for businesses and organizations equips them with the critical knowledge and skills to develop conflict resolution policies within their businesses and organizations so they can avoid and resolve their conflicts internally in a confidential manner.

Our Virtual training in Online Dispute Resolution for Muslim Leaders across the world enables influential leaders and scholars to develop their skills and experience in Meditation, Arbitration, Med-Arb and Conflict Management.


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